Friday, January 31, 2014

"The Count" On David Letterman

Danny Koker  "The Count"
Count Cool Rider
Local Celebrity from Counting Cars on the History Channel, The Count (Danny Koker) was on David Letterman tonight (Thurs. 1/30). Letterman ended the segment by asking Danny about his early TV experience and the fact that he was a TV host. Danny explained being Count Cool Rider, hence the nickname "The Count" and then Dave states they have a clip!

They actually showed the clip that we converted, posted on Youtube and have on our web site!
They actually used the section that had the Count with "Win a Scarefaire 4 pack" on the screen!!
ScareFaire '99 was our very FIRST Haunt! Count Cool Rider did a cross promotion and made an appearance signing autographs for over 2 hours!! He was only supposed to be there for 45 minutes to an hour tops, but the Count was never one to short change his fans!! 

Danny & the Count have come a long way!! Counting Cars is a awesome show...but we will always have a fond stake in our hearts for Count Cool Rider!!!